September 27, 2022By chris.lemasters@positivegrid.com BigCommerce 0 Comment
The BIAS MINI - versatility, power, convenience and tone squeezed into one tiny package.
Convenience and portability aside, the BIAS MINI has tone in spades. When we set out to create this little monster, we really wanted to put the ol’ soldering iron in every players hands so you could create, match, and customize your dream amplifier(s) on a component level.
That said, refining your dream tone can be even more straight forward - you can load 16 presets, tweak gain and EQ, select your line outputs, and more all from the front panel of the BIAS MINI. If you’re familiar with traditional amplifiers, you’ll feel right at home with the MINI. It’s just that simple.
Take dialing in a killer crunch tone, for instance. Just select one of the 16 on board presets, push the gain for some extra oomph, EQ as desired, and you’re off to the races! Oh, and don’t forget, there’s always ToneCloud if you want to dig deeper into the endless world of free custom amplifiers and see what other players have created - just open BIAS AMP 2 on your desktop, iPhone or iPad, log in to ToneCloud and dive down that beautiful, tone-ladened rabbit hole. Just be sure to free up some time on your calendar (and set a reminder to eat/sleep) because, well, if you’re anything like us - you’ll find yourself diving head first in 1000’s of incredible amps/amp matches with no end in sight. Take it from us: it’s a guitarists dream come true.
Join Prashant Aswani as he dives into creating some killer crunch tones with the BIAS MINI.
Prashant is plugged directly into the BIAS MINI amplifier, running into a Bogner Goldfinger 2x12 cabinet mic'ed up with a 414. Learn more about our practice guitar amp.